Argo Kirjastus
Argo Kirjastus
Argo Kirjastus
Argo Kirjastus


.bg-primary (#5f5fc2)
.bg-secondary (#3e3e4a)
.bg-gray (#ddd)
.bg-white (#fff)


Text sizes & variations

Headline / H1 .h1 (32px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Headline / H2 .h2 (24px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Headline / H3 .h3 (20px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Super / Price .display-1 (48px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Large / Normal .lead (18px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Normal (16px, 400)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Bold .font-weight-bold (500)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Bolder .font-weight-bolder (700)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Muted .text-muted (#b0b0b0)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Paragraphs / Normal p / .font-size-sm (14px)

Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.

Small / normal small / .font-size-xs (10px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.


This is error message

.alert .alert-danger

This is error message

.alert .alert-success

This is error message

.alert .alert-warning

This is error message

.alert .alert-info



btn-primary .btn .btn-primary
btn-primary-300 .btn .btn-primary-300
btn-secondary .btn .btn-secondary
btn disabled .btn .disabled

Small button

btn-primary .btn-sm .btn-primary
btn-primary-300 .btn-sm .btn-primary-300
btn-secondary .btn-sm .btn-secondary
btn disabled .btn-sm .disabled

Check & Radio


This is a helper text for the form field.
Looks good!
Please choose a username.
.form-control-sm | .border-primary
This is a helper text for the form field.
Looks good!
Please choose a username.
This is a helper text for the form field.
Looks good!
Please choose a username.


# Column heading Column heading Column heading
1 Column content Column content Column content
1 Column content Column content Column content
1 Column content Column content Column content
1 Column content Column content Column content


  • Text
  • Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows
  • First level
    • Second level
    • Text
    • Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows
  1. Text
  2. Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows
  3. First level
    1. Second level
    2. Text
    3. Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows


Modal demo