.bg-primary (#5f5fc2)
.bg-secondary (#3e3e4a)
.bg-gray (#ddd)
.bg-white (#fff)
Text sizes & variations
Headline / H1
.h1 (32px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Headline / H2
.h2 (24px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Headline / H3
.h3 (20px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Super / Price
.display-1 (48px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Large / Normal
.lead (18px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Normal
(16px, 400)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Bold
.font-weight-bold (500)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Bolder
.font-weight-bolder (700)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Body / Muted
.text-muted (#b0b0b0)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Paragraphs / Normal
p / .font-size-sm (14px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
Small / normal
small / .font-size-xs (10px)
Volutpat mauris laoreet egestas molestie vel.
This is error message
.alert .alert-dangerThis is error message
.alert .alert-successThis is error message
.alert .alert-warningThis is error message
.alert .alert-infoInputs
.btn .btn-primary
.btn .btn-primary-300
.btn .btn-secondary
btn disabled
.btn .disabled
Small button
.btn-sm .btn-primary
.btn-sm .btn-primary-300
.btn-sm .btn-secondary
btn disabled
.btn-sm .disabled
Check & Radio
This is a helper text for the form field.
Looks good!
Please choose a username.
.form-control-sm | .border-primary
This is a helper text for the form field.
Looks good!
Please choose a username.
This is a helper text for the form field.
Looks good!
Please choose a username.
# | Column heading | Column heading | Column heading |
1 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
1 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
1 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
1 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
- Text
- Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows
- First level
- Second level
- Text
- Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows
- Text
- Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows
- First level
- Second level
- Text
- Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows Text on multiple rows